Access Resources

We have compiled resources about SLC13A5 Epilepsy and related topics so you have information and support at your fingertips. Be sure to check out our blog, our monthly electronic newsletter, and ways to Get Involved. Looking for a fun activity with your family? Check out our Coloring Pages.

Educational Videos

TESS offers a variety of educational webinars and videos to help caregivers and families navigate a SLC13A5 Epilepsy diagnosis. Listen at your convenience to practical advice on diagnosis, clinical care, current research, caregiver challenges, and more.

SLC13A5 Conferences

Research Conferences

2018 Talks

2020 Talks (Public)

Family Day Conferences

2020 Talks

Founder’s Presentations

TESS Research Foundation Founder, Kim Nye, is a thought leader in rare gene therapy development. She is frequently invited to give both public and private presentations to the government, nonprofits, and industry on rare disease and epilepsy diagnosis, starting a nonprofit, clinical trial design, and life as a caregiver to two children with disabilities.  If you are interested in having Kim speak to your team, you can email her:




