29 Jul Miguel’s Superhero Story
Miguel is a SLC13A5 Superhero. Here are a few fun facts Miguel’s family shared with us!
- Name: Miguel
- Age: 6
- Homecountry: Brazil
- Miguel loves beaches and swimming in the pool.
- Miguel is a curious boy! He enjoys listening to children’s stories and flipping through the pages of books.
- Miguel is also interested in numbers and letters.
- His favorite color is yellow and his favorite food is soup!
- Miguel loves to play and all his favorite toys are in the shape of a circle: balls, tires, and rings!
Miguel’s Medical Journey
When Miguel was born, we quickly learned that there was something different: he had his first seizure within the his first 24 hours of life. The main challenge for the doctors was being able to try to controlling the hundreds of seizures Miguel was having every day. After 9 months, we finally received a diagnosis of SLC13A5 Epilepsy.
As a family, our biggest challenge is to overcome the limitations that the disease imposes. Miguel still doesn’t walk, but that doesn’t stop him! He still goes wherever he wants, dragging himself seated!
Miguel attends a specialized school in Brazil and goes to therapy often. His therapies are mostly centered around motor and aquatic physiotherapy. He also does occupational therapy, attends art class, PE and speech.