08 Aug Mariam’s Superhero Story
Mariam is a SLC13A5 Superhero. Here are a few fun facts Mariam’s family shared with us!
- Name: Mariam
- Age: 33
- Home country: Lebanon
Mariam likes to help out with select household chores! She enjoys hanging wet clothes on the drying rack outside and folding and placing clothes in the drawers and closets.
She loves peeling garlic and cutting fresh vegetables like her brother Karim!
She likes preparing her outfits for school the next day the night before.
Mariam’s Medical Journey
Mariam is the sister of our July TESS Superhero, Karim, and just like Karim, started having seizures shortly after birth. It was through the extensive medical testing of another sibling that Mariam’s and Karim’s SLC13A5 genetic mutations were discovered.
Currently, Mariam attends a school for children with disabilities where she receives speech and psychomotor therapies. Mariam loves going to school and is very happy with her school activities. Mariam’s abilities to use her hands and to walk steadily are currently deteriorating, but she doesn’t let that stop her from helping around the house.