30 Mar Jaylon’s Superhero Story
Jaylon is a SLC13A5 Superhero. Here are a few fun facts Jaylon’s mom shared with us!
- Age: 15 years old
- Hometown: Port Arthur, Texas
- Favorite activity: going to basketball games
- Second favorite activity: being at any other sporting event
Jaylon’s Medical Journey
Our TESS president shares a bit about Jaylon’s medical journey:
I first met Jaylon, his mom, and his grandma in 2015 in Houston, TX. It was the first time that I had ever met a child with SLC13A5 Epilepsy other than my own 2 children with the disorder. Jaylon is a charmer! He is the most polite young man, and although he doesn’t speak many words, he clearly understands so much. Although Jaylon’s seizures and other symptoms began when he was a tiny baby, it took 8 years for him to be diagnosed with SLC13A5 Epilepsy. Jaylon was among the first people in the world to receive a SLC13A5 diagnosis when he was diagnosed in 2014.
Diagnosis is the first step, but we won’t stop until we have better treatments and cures for Jaylon and all of our Superheroes.